Oranmore Maree GAA One Club

Founded 1967

Club Vetting



This article describes the vetting process in Oranmore Maree One Club which comprises

·       Oranmore Maree GAA Club,

·       Oranmore Maree Camogie Club &

·       Naomh Mhuire Ladies Gaelic Football Club.

Please note that an agreement between the GAA, LGFA and Camogie permits each of the Gaelic
Games Associations to recognise the vetting carried out by each other. In other words, if you are currently vetted for any one of the three associations, then this is recognised by the others and you do not need to complete separate vetting.

All vetting is now for three years only so anyone who completed their vetting more than three years ago needs to renew their vetting by completing the vetting process again.




What is vetting and who needs to be vetted?

 Vetting is a criminal background check conducted in respect of any person who is carrying out work or activity, a necessary and regular part of which consists mainly of the person having access to, or contact with, children or vulnerable persons.

Anyone involved in coaching, managing or training teams that contain players under the age of 18 needs to be vetted. Anyone organising or officiating at underage games also needs to be vetted.

Please see the following list of roles that persons can be vetted for in the GAA; choose the one that describes your role in the GAA.

It is an offence to work with children or vulnerable persons in the Gaelic Athletic Association, the Camogie Association or the Ladies Gaelic Football Association without having satisfactorily completed the vetting process. It is also a breach of the rules if a person is working with children or vulnerable adults on behalf of these Associations and have not been vetted.

Therefore, it is essential that everyone involved in Oranmore Maree One Club understands the role of vetting and their responsibility to get themselves vetted if they are involved in the manner described above. Failure to do so leaves the club in breach of the law.



How do I submit a vetting application?

The steps below describe how to submit a vetting application in order to work with children in the GAA.

If you are aged 16 or 17 years old, then these steps must be completed by your parent or your guardian.


Step 1

Download the Gaelic Games Vetting Invitation Form from here:


Step 2

Print the form, fill it out and photo each of the 4 pages.

If you are submitting on a behalf of a 16 or 17-year-old, fill out the application in their name.


Step 3

Gather the relevant forms of id - both photographic and proof of address - and take photos of these also.

If you are submitting on behalf of a 16 or 17-year-old, you do not need to provide proof of address but you must provide a photo id.


Step 4

If you are submitting on behalf of a 16 or 17-year-old, download the NVB Parent/Guardian Consent Form from here:

Complete the form and take a photo of it.


Step 5

Vetting is now done through Foireann, the GAA's membership database.

You may already have a Foireann account so you can login by following the instructions here:

If you are unable to login using the instructions above, then you can set up a new Foireann account by following the instructions here

Please note that club membership must be done through ClubZap and setting up a Foireann account is solely just for vetting applications (for now).


Step 6

Once you've logged into Foireann, you need to submit a vetting application through Foireann. The steps are described here:

If you are submitting on behalf of a 16 or 17-year-old, please follow the specific steps in Foireann for that scenario.

Please do not use brackets or commas when completing your vetting application as it will be rejected by the system automatically.

Also please note that your surname can only contain letters, dashes, apostrophes, and spaces.


Step 7

The children's officer will receive a notification through Foireann and they will review your documentation and if it is correct, they will validate it.

If any information is missing or incorrect, they will reject your application providing a reason and you will need to re-submit.


Step 8

You will receive an email from the Garda National Vetting Bureau with a link to complete the NVB Vetting Application Form.

Complete this form.


Step 9
Once the vetting process is complete, both you and the children's officer will be notified.



How do I get more information?

The links below provide more information for your specific organisation:

Gaelic Athletic Association

·        Vetting in the GAA

·        E-Vetting FAQ's


Camogie Association

·        Vetting in the Camogie Association

·      Camogie vetting FAQ's


Ladies Gaelic Football Association

·        Vetting in the LGFA


If you need further information or should you have any further questions on the process, please contact the relevant Children’s Officer for your club.

Oranmore Maree Camogie Club

·        Ciara Hanniffy

·        childrensofficer.oranmoremaree.galway@camogie.ie

·        087-6875793

Naomh Mhuire Ladies Gaelic Football Club

·        Leona Gallagher

·        childrensofficer.naomhmhuire.galway@lgfa.ie

·        087-8157068

Oranmore Maree GAA Club

·        Kevin Deely

·        childrensofficer.oranmoremaree.galway@gaa.ie

·        086-1713303



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