Oranmore Maree GAA One Club

Founded 1967

Coaches Forum

Tue 16th 8pm our own Clare Twomey Burke and Tim Rabbitt will host the second Coaches Forum Webinar. Please make sure you are on coaches forum Clubzapp group text for link.

Welcome to Oranmore Maree GAA One Club Coaching support page. Whether you are an experienced coach or considering coming down to the pitch to volunteer for the first time the www.learning.gaa.ie site is the one stop shop for all your coaching material. Below we've tried to pick out the really important nuggets from the resource.


https://learning.gaa.ie/coach10 The Coach 10 MODEL; What does a good coach do? A good starting point from day one.


The Player Pathway is the cornerstone of everything we do from when a child first enters OMGAA club on day one until he/she is a fully formed adult member of our playing and social community. Everyone including parents, players, officials and particularly coaches should be familiar with it. 


https://connachtgaa.ie/coaching/ Great wealth of resources here!


https://learning.gaa.ie/hurlingskills Hurling skills


https://learning.gaa.ie/footballskills Football Skills


https://learning.gaa.ie/planner/ the GAA activity planner (Brilliant!!!)


https://learning.gaa.ie/coachingmanuals Coaching manuals for the different modules in accredited GAA Coach Ed.


https://learning.gaa.ie/abc Fundamental movement


https://learning.gaa.ie/gaa15 The GAA 15 Warm up


https://learning.gaa.ie/haveaball Have a Ball Basic Motor Skills


https://learning.gaa.ie/gamesconference2020 All the various talks from the GAA National Coaching conference dating back since they first started recording them in 2013/2014. These are excellent.


https://learning.gaa.ie/concussion Concussion!!!


https://learning.gaa.ie/safeguardingrefresher Safeguarding Refresher course for anyone that has the GAA Safe guarding completed withing the last 3 years it will extend it by a further 2 years. Its free to do.


E-Vetting process - Details on how to get vetting completed.

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